A subdomain is a subset or a smaller part of a larger domain. It helps organize and navigate different sections of your website. For instance, you can have a blog on your site and set it up as a subdomain like "blog.kwikaweb.com." Follow these steps to create a subdomain:

1. Log in to your cPanel account.
2. Locate and click on the "Domains" icon.
3. Click on the "Create A New Domain" option.
4. Enter the domain that you would like to create.
5. The document root refers to the folder where all the subdomain's files will be stored. It is recommended to keep the default setting, which places the files just above the public_html directory of your main website.
6. After setting up the subdomain, note that it may take up to 24 hours for the DNS records to fully propagate.

Note: When creating a subdomain in cPanel, it is crucial to choose a name that is not already in use as a folder name within your FTP. If there is an existing folder with the same name, the subdomain will not function correctly. Here's an example to illustrate this:

Suppose you want to create the subdomain "blog.kwikaweb.com," and you intend to name the subdomain as "blog." Before proceeding with creating the subdomain in cPanel, ensure that you do not have an existing folder named "blog" in your FTP. If such a folder exists, you must either delete it or rename it to something different. Once the conflicting folder has been addressed, you can proceed to create the subdomain with the desired name ("blog") in cPanel.

By following this precautionary step, you can avoid potential conflicts and ensure the smooth functioning of your subdomain.

If you encounter any issues or need further clarification, please contact us.

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