A parked domain is a domain that is registered but not linked to any email or website service. It is usually used to reserve a domain name for future use or to protect your brand. To park a domain, you first need to register the domain and ensure it is pointed to the same nameservers as your primary domain. Follow these steps to create a parked domain:

1. Log in to your cPanel account.
2. In the "Domains" section, locate and click on the "Parked Domains" icon.
3. Under the "Create a New Parked Domain" section, enter the domain name that you want to park on top of your primary domain.
4. Click on the "Add Domain" button.
5. Congratulations! You have successfully parked a domain.

Please note that parking a domain does not create a separate website but allows the parked domain to point to your primary domain.

If you encounter any issues or need further clarification, please contact us.

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