Sometimes, you may encounter limitations on upload sizes or memory limits when working with your website or application. This guide provides instructions on how to increase upload limits, memory limit, max. upload size, and post_max_size using cPanel's built-in tools.

Step 1: Logging in to cPanel

Access your cPanel account by entering your login credentials.
Once logged in, navigate to the cPanel dashboard.
Step 2: Selecting PHP Version and Editing Limits

In the cPanel search bar, enter "Select PHP Version" and click on the corresponding option.
On the PHP version selection page, click on the "Options" tab.
Scroll down to find the desired limits: memory_limit, upload_max_filesize, and post_max_size.
Adjust these limits accordingly by entering the desired values.
The changes will be saved automatically.
Step 3: Updating PHP Configuration for Your Domain

In the cPanel search bar, enter "MultiPHP INI Editor" and click on the corresponding option.
From the drop-down menu, select the appropriate domain name.
Locate the respective fields for memory_limit, upload_max_filesize, and post_max_size.
Input the desired limits as before.
Click the "Apply" button to save the changes.
Step 4: Inheriting PHP Configuration for Your Domain

In the cPanel search bar, enter "MultiPHP Manager" and click on the corresponding option.
Locate your domain name in the list and click on the checkbox next to it.
From the drop-down menu above the list, select "Inherit".
Finally, click on the "Apply" button to update the PHP configuration for your domain.
By following these steps, you can increase the upload limits, memory limit, max. upload size, and post_max_size to accommodate your specific needs. These adjustments can help you work with larger files and optimize your website or application's performance within cPanel.

If you encounter any issues or need further clarification, please contact us.

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