Troubleshooting email issues can be frustrating, but with the right steps, you can get your email working smoothly again. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve common email problems:

1. Check your user name and password: Ensure that you are using the correct user name and password for your email account. Remember that user names and passwords are case-sensitive, so make sure they are all in lowercase.

2. Verify email creation: Double-check that you have created the email address in your control panel. Without a properly created email account, you won't be able to send or receive emails.

3. Use the full email address as the user name: Instead of just using the username, make sure you enter the full email address (e.g., as the user name when setting up your email client.

4. Update mail server settings: If you are experiencing issues with sending emails, try changing your incoming and outgoing mail servers from "" to the IP address listed in your welcome email. This can help resolve any server-related problems.

5. Trouble sending emails: If you can receive emails but are unable to send, it could be due to your internet service provider (ISP) blocking outgoing mail servers. Contact your ISP to find out their specific outgoing mail server address, which typically follows the format ""

6. Trouble receiving emails: If you are unable to receive emails, check if your domain or email account has sufficient disk space. If either is running low on space, you will need to increase the disk space to resume receiving emails.

7. Issues with username and password prompt: If you constantly receive a prompt asking for your username and password, it could be due to hitting the server's hourly check limit. Disable or adjust the frequency of automatic email checks in your email client settings to avoid hitting this limit.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to diagnose and resolve most common email issues. If you encounter any issues or need further clarification, please contact

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