When encountering issues with sending emails containing attachments, there are a few common reasons behind the problem. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

1. Attachment Types: The server may block certain attachment types for security reasons. File types like .pdf, .src, and .exe are often restricted to prevent potential virus infections. However, file types such as .gif, .jpg, and .html are usually allowed without zipping. If your attachment is being blocked, consider zipping the file or using alternative file formats that are permitted.

2. Attachment Size: Large attachments can cause delivery failures. If your attachment exceeds a specific size limit (usually around 10MB), it may fail to be delivered. Additionally, if you're using webmail, the attachment size limit may be lower (e.g., less than 2MB). To work around these limitations, consider compressing the file or uploading it to your website and sharing the download link instead. You can even password-protect the file to restrict access.

By taking these factors into account and implementing the suggested solutions, you can increase the chances of successfully sending emails with attachments. If you continue to experience issues, please contact us.

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