WordPress Manager simplifies the process of installing WordPress, allowing you to set up your website quickly and efficiently. With just a few clicks, you can have a fully functional WordPress site ready to customise.

Follow this Kwikaweb guide to install WordPress using WordPress Manager:

Step 1: Log in to Webuzo

  1. Access your Webuzo account using your login credentials. You can watch our video tutorial here if you don’t know how to log in to Webuzo – https://kwikaweb.com/index.php?rp=/knowledgebase/132/How-to-Log-in-to-Your-Webuzo-Control-Panel.html
  2. After successful login, you will be redirected to the Webuzo dashboard.

Step 2: Installing WordPress

  1. Scroll down your Webuzo dashboard to the “Applications” section.
  2. Look for the “WordPress Manager” option within this section and click on it.
  3. Once the WordPress Manager panel opens, click on the “Install” button.
  4. You will be directed to a new page where you need to provide installation details. This includes the domain name, installation directory, administrative login credentials, etc.
  5. By default, WordPress Manager may select a sub-folder instead of the main domain which is usually titled as “wp”. If you want the installation to be on the main domain, make sure to clear out the “wp” written in the “In Directory” field. And if you want to be in a different directory, you can just rename it from “wp” to whatever directory you want.
  6. In “Site Settings”, add your site name and description.
  7. In “Admin Account”, it is highly recommended to change the default login details (admin/pass) to enhance security. Choose a unique username and a strong password. Also make sure that you use an admin email only you have access to.
  8. In “Select Plugins”, we recommend that you select “Limit Login Attempts (Loginizer)” as this plugin helps you fight against bruteforce attack by blocking login for any IP after it reaches maximum retries allowed.
  9. Double-check all the details and proceed to the next step.
  10. Scroll down to the end of the page and click on the “Install” button.
  11. The installation process typically takes 45-60 seconds. However, larger applications may require more time for installation.

By following these steps, you can easily install WordPress using WordPress Manager.

If you encounter any issues or need further clarification, please contact us.

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